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  • sorenagilkinson

How Can You Protect Your Holiday Deliveries?

It seems as though the holiday months have fallen upon us already but wasn't it just summer? Even though I am already missing the warm nights, the seemingly endless beating rays of sunshine, and living in flip flops I am excited about the holiday season. Yes, I love giving gifts. I love all of the decorations. But most of all, I love spending the holidays with those who matter most. And what do we do to prepare for this holidays. We cook, we bake, we eat, and we begin shopping online as we see deals or think of something that a loved one would like.

What comes with receiving packages that will be left for the public to see? The potential for our items to be stolen. The increase in package deliveries as well as the increased number of homes who are leaving packages unattended for a long period time, due to daily schedules, are allowing for thieves to scout properties and target homes that may be an easy target. Here are some ways to try and combat package theft.

  1. Ask for a tracking number for the package and sign up for alerts when your package leaves the facility. Amazon offers this tracking info as easily as setting up a text alert. They are easy to set up and and easy to disable.

  2. Request a signature for delivery. If there is no one to sign for the delivery, your package(s) will not be left behind.

  3. Have your package(s) delivered to a specific area at your home and not a visible porch where they could be easily targeted. Purchase a tote with a locking lid where the packages could be stored until you get home. All packages might not necessarily fit but the ones that do will also stay dry.

  4. Fed Ex and USPS allow you to schedule the delivery to a day when you are home and Fed Ex will allow you to leave delivery instructions.

  5. Ask a neighbor to keep an eye out for any packages delivered and see if they would be willing to pick them up for you.

  6. Have your packages sent to your work place (if it is allowed and you won't require assistance to pick up or move the package(s).

  7. Motion-activated lights that come on where your package(s) would be left.

  8. Having clear and visible signs showing that you have a home security system.

What tips would work best for your location? You may want to use some of them, all of them, or none of them all at. If you do have trouble receiving your packages, make sure to check in with the carrier to see if they can track it down.


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