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  • sorenagilkinson

What Can These Red Doors Do For You?

Behind these red doors you will find not only friendly and helpful staff members and agents but you will see our core values adorning the wall. These core values are what we live by, think of it as a code of conduct, and this means that you will get the very best from us.

What do these core values mean to me? 1. Do the Right Thing. That means that I will be committed to working for you, whether you are a buyer, a seller, or both. It means that I will be honest with you and will be professional and uphold myself and the company. 2. Work As a Team. There is no 'I' in team and that means that I respect the knowledge and the support for each of our other agents or staff members and that I will work with them to do the very best for you. 3. Never Stop Learning. That means that knowledge is power and is the key to success as an individual agent as well as a company. Policies from NYS may change from time to time on how to do things and if we aren't staying up with learning, we may not get the updates we need, for you. 4. Be The Best. This means that I will do my very best to provide the best service to you and that includes core values 1-3. 5. Have Fun. If you do something you love, you will never work a day in your life. Enjoy what you do and who you work with, the knowledge you will receive, and the process because life is FUN.

This set of ERA Team VP doors is only 1 set of the doors that we have for you. Did you know that we have 9 offices locally that have been opened for your benefit? Each of our agents has the ability to work out of any one of these offices if it best suits your needs. These doors also signify commitment. Commitment to working with you for whatever time you need to find that perfect dream home, to find that investment property, or getting your property sold. We are here for you. If you Google the meaning of a 'red door', you will find that it means 'Welcome'. So if you are looking for some help with real estate, we invite you to open our doors so we can welcome you in and give you the very best.


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