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  • sorenagilkinson

Why Isn't My Listing Selling?

Is your property listed but hasn't sold?

Here are the 5 top reasons that your listing isn't selling.

  1. Price. The first 30 days of a new listing are the most crucial and if the property is not priced right, it may be getting over-looked. If the market sets a price for that size of property to be $100,000 and you are trying to sell it for $20,000 more, chances are, it will not sell because the market (and buyers) won't pay more than what the market says it should be valued at.

  2. Online Appearance. Online photos are HUGE in the selling of a listing. Not only in the number of photos but the quality of the images as well. Photos can be edited therefore making a property appear different than it really is. If your listing photos are really dark, fuzzy, and distorted, your listing is not going to get the love it deserves. Encourage your real estate agent to have professional photos done if he/she is not a photographer themselves.

  3. Clutter. Photographing clutter does not make the photos look appealing and could deter people from wanting to look at the listing. Viewing a home with clutter out is also a deterrent because it distracts them from being able to picture themselves and their belongings in the space. Recommendation: declutter before you list. For tips on decluttering and organizing, send me an email at

  4. Staging. Is your listing set up nicely so potential buyers can visualize themselves in your property? Furniture that is too large for the room will make it feel much smaller. Have you put away the personal items and the clutter? Potential buyers cannot visualize themselves in the house with their belongings when the space of each room is filled. Minimal amount of furniture and accents set up in a manner that utilizes the space the best way will be one of the selling points to your property. For my staging guide, send me an email at

  5. Curb Appeal. Is your yard cleaned up? Do you have yard uglies visible at first sight when potential buyers are driving by? Do your windows and doors need cleaned? Do the shutters or railings need re-painted? Simple things can make the biggest impact on potential buyers wanting to view your home with the possibility of putting in an offer.

Is your listing getting the cold shoulder? If so, follow these tips to get your property priced right, dressed right, and ready to go.


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